Jun 2022

CLG in person conference The Hague, Netherlands

For the first time in almost three years, the CLG member firms met in person for their twice yearly Conference. This took place in The Hague, Netherlands from 24 to 26 June 2022. During the Covid 19 pandemic, the CLG members have been holding regular meetings on Zoom. The next CLG Members' Conference will take place in Glasgow, UK, from 21 to 23 October 2022

Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency - Cross Border Asset Recovery and Enforcement

Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency - Cross Border Asset Recovery and Enforcement -

Please click the following link to access the presentation by Clark Hill Solicitors:

https://clarkhill.zoom.us/rec/share/wmkitil-OE6Y0qXslu25p1TfSS2lCuMtfbewGM_AgQtPbt0tfHawkAA01R9dKK7N.tzYnS5YEgk6rdYtq Passcode: AC8Z!z!P

Ireland Examinership Becoming Critical In Int'l Insolvency

Ireland - July 2022

Ireland Examinership Becoming Critical In International Insolvency

Please click to read news article provided by Clark Hill, Solicitors, Dublin