abr. 2024

New member - Norway

CLG is proud and delighted to announce that its membership no e extends into Scandanavia. The law firm Advokat 1, based in Stavanger, Norway is the latest addition to CLG's growing and flourishing membership. The contact person at Advokat 1 is Monica Solberg-Leinebø, whose contact details are on the Members Page.

Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency - Cross Border Asset Recovery and Enforcement

Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency - Cross Border Asset Recovery and Enforcement -

Please click the following link to access the presentation by Clark Hill Solicitors:

https://clarkhill.zoom.us/rec/share/wmkitil-OE6Y0qXslu25p1TfSS2lCuMtfbewGM_AgQtPbt0tfHawkAA01R9dKK7N.tzYnS5YEgk6rdYtq Passcode: AC8Z!z!P

Ireland Examinership Becoming Critical In Int'l Insolvency

Ireland - July 2022

Ireland Examinership Becoming Critical In International Insolvency

Please click to read news article provided by Clark Hill, Solicitors, Dublin